Saturday, September 6, 2008

In the beginning...

On September 1st of 2008, four guys from the city of Cottage Grove Minnesota moved into an apartment on the bluffs of downtown St Paul. After moving back from college, each of the four lived with family for the purpose of convenience, frugality, timing or just lack of better options.
That was until God began to stir a dream in our hearts...

[James] After college I heard the phrase, "Welcome to the real world." more than I cared to. It's as if college life was some fairytale that we all have to wake up from eventually, as if living in community among friends and peers is just a phase, as if being a part of active and alive fellowship was unrealistic, as if learning, being challenged and living with a purpose greater than ourselves were all causes that you only get to be a part of between the ages of 18 and 22. Well, maybe I am just one of those boys that doesn't want to become a man. It is entirely possible that one day I will wake up and realize that I have been the last to jump on the "real world" band wagon and it is my time. But for now, I know that I am more alive and filled with wonder, purpose and passion than I have ever been.

Moving to Dayton's Bluff was only partially intentional but fully divine. There is no doubt in my mind that the reason I could not find another housing situation for the past 6 months was that it is all part of a greater plan. There is no doubt that having three amazing brother's of mine willing and able to live in this place, at this time, is all part of a greater plan. There is no doubt that the reason I happened to stumble across this amazing remodled church for a reasoable price in an absolute ideal location is that it is all a part of a greater plan. And to top it all off we arrived here to discover that the name of our housing complex was "The Ecclesia Apartments"...

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