Thursday, February 25, 2010


{Kaleb} God is good. I had to start with that because well obviously he is, but in my life I have to remind myself of that because I don't always feel like he is. This blog maybe a little scatter brained but stay with me. I have been having a really blahhhh time of late. I know it is because I havent been taking time for solitude. So pray that I do. I know that I have to work on being vulnerable and that is so hard for me, because I dont think to share my burdens or pains with anyone simply because I never have. I have always just kept it inside because I knew I could handle it. Why I am writing is i guess first of all to speak it out that I am going to work on becoming vulnerable, and I would appreciate anybody willing to pray for me.

Another thing that has been waying heavy on my heart is that in my relationships with people if there is ever a rift I have to be the one to reach out to repair it and I am feeling alot like I am the only one trying to change things and they are just expecting me to change to fit into their box. So pray I quit throwing pity parties for myself and that I realize its not all about me.

I am done being the person that everybody needs me to be. For so long I have been trying to be the person everyone needed me to be. I have realized that I cannot make everybody happy. That I cant be everything for everybody. I am going to make a pact with myself to put myself first. I am making a commitment to saying NO to things. I am adopting the 30-30 plan ive been preaching but not practicing. Finally and probably the most difficult. I am going to be vulnerable with God and work through the pain I have in calling him father or daddy. So pray for that as well.

I am so thankful that you people listen to my rants. I am more than greatful for the prayers.

(any suggestions for tuesdays w/ Kaleb????

Peace to your momma ship!!!




T-Pong said...

How bout a Tuesdays with Kaleb about how the "struggles" that we go through in our relationships here at times are, in the end, a testament to the depth of the community that we have and how intimate God has grown our relationships together.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could talk about making everything work, like how to balance it all. Or, talk about how God can work in our lives. Or how to hear him because I know a lot of people struggle with that, me included. Or, patience; how we can't see the big picture that God has planned so we just have to wait, and worry a little less.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have one more idea - you could talk about growing up. Like, how things change. What things end up mattering. Or just the struggles that go along with it and how God can help.